New territorial dimensions in a global approach to river basin management


The workshop aims to discuss the inclusion of new territorial dimensions derived from a broader understanding of the transboundary nature of the water resources contained in a river basin or groundwater system (upstream and downstream), with an interdisciplinary approach and promoting a joint working space and debate among practitioners both from the spatial planning and the water management sides.

Topics to be addressed by invited key-speakers, in order to launch the debate and work in groups , include:

Land use change and impacts on water resources
Upstream-downstream-coastal integrated approaches
Institutional and organizational challenges for transboundary water governance

The worshop will be based on a ‘co-learning‘ approach, built upon the participants’ experience and knowledge, and includes a small ‘world-café’ session around the 3 topics to be discussed. This will allow all the participants to share their visions and opinions, based on their own experience. A set of final conclusions and recommendations for practice and policy will be produced and reported during the Conference.

Starting time: 14:00
Duration: 3 hours
Timetable: Short key-notes to motivate debate (3 X 10 minutes)
  Preliminary discussion (15-20 minutes)
  World café (1˝ hours)
  Final discussion (20-30 minutes)
  Conclusions (10-15 minutes)

The workshop will be organised by:

Susana Neto - Centre of Geography and Regional Planning, (e-GEO), FCSH - UNL
Jeff Camkin - Centre for Ecohydrology, University of Western Australia
Teresa Fidélis - Dept. Environment and Planning & CESAM, University of Aveiro    

A certificate of completion will be awarded to each participant.