SWAT workshop


The workshop will train users in SWAT2009.
The two-day beginner’s workshop is designed to introduce new users to the model, review necessary and optional inputs, and familiarize the user with the ArcSWAT interfaces. It will not review basic concepts of ArcGIS usage prior to covering the SWAT/ArcGIS interface.
The SWAT workshop is designed to be approximately 80% hands-on. We provide computers for attendees to use and limit the class size to provide an opportunity for as much one-on-one interaction as possible.



Day 1 (Morning/Afternoon):
Model overview (theory)
Model applications (theory)
Introduction to SWAT/ArcGIS interface (ArcSWAT)
Watershed delineation
Land-use and soil overlay
HRU delineation
Weather and remaining inputs to develop the SWAT model (including point sources)

Day 2 (Morning):
Review of summary outputs
Finish SWAT simulation using ArcSWAT
Address user requests and clarify anything covered on the first day


The workshop will be held by:
Pedro Chambel Leitão, IST-MARETEC.
Carina Almeida,

A certificate of completion will be awarded to each participant.